Friday, 19 October 2018

Why Facebook Advertising through vr4ads Company

Generate Leads:
The goal of all paid advertising should be to generate leads.  Each social media posted created should be connected to a landing page and the landing page should include a call to action.  The link to the landing page that includes a call to action will maximize the effectiveness of the campaign.  It’ll also allow you the ability to monitor the effectiveness of the campaign.
Increase Your Visibility: 
Promoting posts on Facebook is a great way of increasing the visibility of your content. Your post will appear nearer to the top and in more people’s News Feeds than if it wasn’t promoted.Increase Brand Awareness Customer Loyalty – When you create a Facebook page for your business and then promote it through Facebook advertising to accumulate more “likes”, you increase brand awareness.
Reach an Engaged Audience: 
Social media users tend to be highly engaged. Because people visit social networking sites several times per day and spend a lot of time on them, ads on social networks are more likely to be seen, clicked and shared. 
Target Specific Audience: 
Users on social media sites tend to divulge a lot of personal information in their profiles. Businesses can use that information to target users based on specific criteria, including their geographic location, personal interests, gender, and age. On Facebook, advertisers can even have their ads placed on pages that mention specific keywords.
Increase Brand Awareness Customer Loyalty:  
When you create a Facebook page for your business and then promote it through Facebook advertising to accumulate more “likes”, you increase brand awareness. Facebook fan pages help to increase customer loyalty because they give you the opportunity to interact directly with your customers, which keeps your business at the forefront of their minds and makes you seem more approachable.
Test Drive Promotions: 
Advertising on social networks is cost-effective because you only target people who are interested in your products and services, you’re only charged when someone clicks on your ad, and you’re only paying for clicks from people who are ready to buy. It’s also incredibly cheap to run tests and determine which ads work best and which ads need tweaking, so you don’t waste your advertising dollars on campaigns that aren’t performing up to par.
Increase Flexibility: 
The length of the ad descriptions that Facebook and other social networks allow are longer than those offered by Google Adwords. You have the option to use images in your ads, which helps to attract more attention to them.  You’re also able to stop and start campaigns at will, something that’s next to impossible to do with conventional advertising campaigns.
Still not sure if social media advertising is for you?  Call us anytime, we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. +971 551710805